Company Name: CMPA

Full Business Address: 127 Northern Hwy, Kilmore, Victoria, 3764

Contact Name:  Dr Elizabeth Gibson

Position: General Manager

Phone: 1300 267 222

Phone:  (03) 5781 0655

Mobile: 0434 692 618



Company profile:

The Construction Material Processing Association (CMPA) is the peak body dedicated to the representation, advocacy and service of its Members in the Victorian Earth Resources industry.  The CMPA represents a broad spectrum of businesses that extract and process hard rock, gravel, sand, clay, lime, soil, and gypsum in addition to recycling businesses.  CMPA Members are typically small to medium sized family businesses, independent operators, local government and utilities.  Many are regionally based employers (90%).   The CMPA promotes continuous improvement in the construction material processors industry through education, training and other related events.

The construction material industry underpins growth and development in Victoria through supply of the construction materials described above.   50 million tonnes in 2014/15 were produced (~10 tonnes/person/annum in Victoria) to a value of approximately $752 million.  CMPA members account for approximately half of this production, and more than half of this industry sector’s employment. Also of import is the need to have supply of construction materials located in close proximity to their utilization to save on transport costs and reduce the carbon footprint.

The CMPA supports responsible, balanced legislation and community engagement that is in the best interests of the State and acknowledges Victoria’s Aboriginal communities and cultural heritage. 

The VCCIA provides CMPA with the opportunity to network with other associations in the construction industry in addition to being kept up to date with Government directions through meetings with Ministers and senior Government officials where industry views may be expressed and heard.