Company Name: The Crane Industry Council of Australia – VIC/TAS Branch

Full Business Address: PO 136, Mount Waverley, Victoria, 3149

Contact Name:  John Humphries

Phone: (03) 8320 0433


Web: ​​​,

Company profile:​​​

The Crane Industry Council of Australia (CICA) is the national peak body for the crane industry. CICA is an industry association recognized by government, regulatory authorities and the community as the official industry voice on all national matters affecting the Australian crane industry. CICA’s membership includes crane owners/hirers, national marketers, manufacturers and suppliers in all sectors including mobile cranes, tower cranes and vehicle loading cranes.

CICA is a not-for-profit organisation, with a rich history of industry contribution and leadership since 1980, based on the strength of many industry volunteers throughout Australia.

The VIC/TAS Branch of CICA continues to be involved in the VCCIA for the valuable information sharing and networking that the VCCIA provides to industry participants – both government and private sector.