Company Name: Municipal Works Operations Association

Full Business Address: PO Box, 1254 Geelong, 3220

Contact Name: Stephen M Robertson

Position: Chief Executive Officer MWOA, Chairman NWOA

Phone: 0418 144 460

Fax: (03) 5250 3008

Mobile: 0421 342 398



Company profile:

The Municipal Works Operations Association (MWOA) is an incorporated body that has been structured to provide members with a forum for professional networking and fellowship, as well as opportunities for the exchange of ideas, information and technology. The MWOA history can be traced back to the formation of the “Oversees Association” in 1936.

The MWOA has seven branches throughout Victoria including, Ballarat, Gippsland, Melbourne, North East, South Western, Wimmera Mallee and Central.

The MWOA is proud to be affiliated with the National Works Officers Association (NWOA) and work with Local Government Supervisors Association WA, Tasmanian Association of Municipal Supervisors, and the Works Officers Association Qld.

We work in a unique industry, with a broad range of activities and responsibilities and the MWOA acts as an agency for the membership and Corporate Sponsors.

Take advantage of your membership benefits, give me a call and maximize you associations networking capabilities.

MWOA services include...

  • Training – Cert III Local Government (Operational Works)
  • Training – Cert IV Local Government
  • e Solutions – Monthly Edition of 'The Networker'
  • State Newsletter
  • Three editions per year of “ACCESS (National Magazine)
  • Attendance to all meetings of ALL branches at no cost
  • The opportunity to participate in State and National Awards
  • Access through the executive to participate and investigate issues relation to local government operations and standards
  • Access and introduction to fellow members, Contractors and Contracting Services to the local government sector
  • Seminars and Conferences organized around Works Officers responsibilities – Syllabus
  • Representation on relevant boards and committees including NWOA
  • Mentoring
  • Local Government Secondment